As the clock chimed midnight on 31st December last year, there may have been some who were not necessarily looking forward to the year ahead as it would be a full year ending in the dreaded number 13! For those that suffer with triskaidekaphobia, you can understand why they now may be counting down the days until they can put this potentially superstitious year behind them. I, on the other the hand embraced 2013, and will be sad to see the back of what has been a truly memorable, life changing, different, challenging year, but has without a doubt been a most enjoyable and fantastic twelve months.
Here’s my recollection of the year – for me to remember and for you to read or ignore, whichever you choose. Where to start?……
Life certainly has changed from that of recent years. As many will know, mid 2012 saw a mutual decision to end married life and with it a relationship of nearly 10 years. This year therefore has, in an unselfish way, been all about me. For the first time since the good old school days, I was a single. Some say you need massive changes in your life to ‘find yourself’. I tend to agree now. It was certainly one of the biggest and bravest decisions of my life. With such a dramatic change to my personal circumstances, I grasped the positives and just remained happy in knowing that I had made the right decision. So – the personal goals (or bucket list) for this year….
I’ve never been entirely happy with my weight or the way I look, and always made excuse after excuse as to the reason why I couldn’t lose weight. The fact of the matter was that my diet was poor, my exercise was almost non existent, and my eating habits were terrible. All in all a disaster, with only one end result. I decided a ‘little’ weight loss was needed. On 1st April 2013 I decided enough was enough. The (non electronic) scales were heading a second time around – they’d reached 19 stone. It was the heaviest I had ever been (admittedly I had put most of my weight on during the days of running pubs that had a reputation for offering large portions). Many who know me, will know that what I set out to achieve something I’m a bit obsessive – and don’t do things by halves. I once completely quit chocolate for nearly 5 years, and still remain tee-total after nearly 10 years! And so the regime began – cycling, canal walking, running (made easier through the wonderful weather we have had in the UK this year), swimming, sweat, aches & pains. As did the diet – sensible eating, portion control, goodbye biscuits and chocolate. No more snacking. No more service station treats. Just the 3 sensible meals a day. Simple.

For those who have dieted, you’ll know progress is slow…. The scales just didn’t seem to move. However, the vision, the commitment and the plan didn’t change. I remained totally focused. 6 months on – was it worth it? I’d say so. Five and half stone lost in total. A complete new wardrobe (a tad expensive!), and more importantly a fit & healthy Stu. The comments I get now about the way I look are so rewarding and give me a massive feel good factor. With weight loss naturally came added personal confidence. I feel great. Epic in fact. Happy with the way I look. Happy with the way I feel. Happy that I don’t get out of breath walking up and down the stairs anymore!
On the business front, my company has entered its third year of trading. What a year. Already smashing my targets and exceeding trading figures from the previous years. Business continues to evolve and my skills continue to develop. Working with some great companies in many different industries, offering a number of different services. Some new, some loyal customers who continue to see the benefit of my services year after year. Perfect to keep the mind active. From IT to Hairdressing; Energy Lighting to Football; Luxury Hotels to Theatre. Every day is different – it could be social media one day; light fittings the next; conference speaking; football match days; event planning – a bit of everything. MAUN Consulting Limited certainly has been, and continues to be a pleasant daily experience. My boss is pretty decent too!
On a sporting side, I continued my interest with my two clubs : Stafford Rangers FC and Coventry Blaze Ice Hockey.

I may, just may, have been a curse on both of these teams, as neither has particularly shone this year. Both, once the top of their game, have fallen short with their achievements of late. In fact, after following Stafford Rangers for the last 26 years, I can honestly say it has been the worst 12 months of football I can ever remember. But life goes on, and so I remain as positive as I can do about the situation! I’m a great believer in positive mental attitude. I can’t stand negativity or people that just want to moan in life. What good does it do? Life is too short. Friends have been dealt tragedies this year which really puts everything into perspective. Live for today and be thankful for every day you draw breath. I’m growing too old for disagreements or the kindergarten going ons.
Charity has still been a personal and business focus for me this year. I continue to support the local Air Ambulance and the wonderful work they do. They’ve also benefited from plenty of clothes this year during the complete shed of my wardrobe!

I’ve also been very proud in arranging and organising charity events for clients this year – events which have proved to be very successful, raising thousands for worthy charities such as the Birmingham Children’s Hospital and Katharine House Hospice in Stafford.
Family time has become more special to me over the last twelve months. My new relaxed, laid back approach to personal life has proved a good thing. I’ve enjoyed some great quality time this year with them, and worked through all those little challenges that have been thrown our way. The power of FaceTime has certainly helped me ‘see’ my parents more!
What’s the phrase about buses. You wait for one…..Well it happened with weddings this year…..three in fact. All special and enjoyable in their own ways. Someone even picked me to be Best Man! I can’t help thinking others must have turned the role down before I was asked!
Another day of wedding celebrations to look forward to next year too.I hope they’ll all be as happy as my ex-wife and I thought we were going to be :o)
I’ve also managed to discover my new addiction this year – Coffee!

Rarely a day goes by without a Nero, Costa or Starbucks – or simply a milky Gold Blend at home or in the office! I suppose I could be addicted to worse things! You can’t beat chilling for a couple of hours in a coffee shop, watching the world go by, and of course people watching (or stalking as I like to call it). A close second addiction would be my new found love of Tic-Tacs! A great little treat for all of those car journeys I’ve encountered this year – and only two calories each. Bonus. 2014 then…. What does it hold for me? Well I can guarantee even more positivity, happiness, laughter, fun and even more success. Yes I can’t deny it would be great to find a special little someone, a companion, someone to share fun times with, theatre trips, nice meals out, to cook for. Until Mrs Right comes along then I’ll happily plod along. We all need a bit of love and romance now and again though, right? I suppose now after a life changing year, I’m happy to make other big changes and commitments in the year ahead.
I must make sure I find time to holiday next year. Perhaps a trip to France, to visit French friends I’ve known for 20 years. I always found holidaying, and trying to ‘switch off’ a bit tough. But I think once every five years I can make do with! I have enjoyed a couple of self-chill times in hotels up and down the country. The Village Blackpool takes the gold star award for me though whilst up that way with footy this year. My weekly stay overs at the B&Bs in the North West and Yorkshire provide me with a bit of chill out time too.
I’m a target driven person – so I will continue with my ultimate goal to drive down my mortgage – Imagine being mortgage free. What a wonderful feeling. At the moment although it is my ‘home’ it feels a bit like a laundrette, after journeys to and from the Wirral, York, Stafford or wherever. But it’s there ready for when I need it to be a warm cosy habitat. Until then, I shall carry on enjoying my weekly ‘mini-breaks’ when I’m away with work. It certainly gets me to see new places up and down the country, and of course pop in and see great friends who live away from me.
You can never say never about anything in life I suppose. So who knows about family. Miniature Mauns? Adoption? Fostering? I’m more open minded nowadays. Something I never thought I’d say. Whatever’s meant to be, and all that….
I enjoy spending time with my friend’s kids and of course my wonderful godchildren when I can. It’s nice watching them grow up. Uncle Stu’s rules of eating as many sweets, as much chocolate and running around having fun, always seems to go down well with the munchkins!
So, farewell 2013 – A year I stopped something; a year I lost something; a year I tackled something. Roll on 2014 – plenty to look forward to.
I’m exhausted now writing and reading all of the above!
Wishing everyone good health, continued happiness and plenty of success in the next 12 months. No regrets folks. God bless.
Thanks for reading.